Coming Home
It’s amazing how easy it is to sink back into the habits of home. The life I left behind for this trip had only really held its shape for four months - the place I lived, the people I saw most often in Toronto, the way I shaped my days, the spots I frequented - it was all still fairly fresh. Yet everything feels so familiar, as though I had been away for a weekend rather then five weeks. I wonder if I picked up the same backpack and went back to Central America with Jamie two months from now, it too would feel like a type of coming home. Maybe home is not a place, but a feeling of returning to something known. Scents and sounds embedded in one of the many layers of your being pull you back to their places of origin, remind you that flakes of this place became a part of your very fabric, and so now you are a part of this place too.
I ponder this as I stand on the front porch of my...