2 Poems
They stopped putting lead in American gasoline
in the 1970s
Someone figured out lead poisoning
I think
Twenty three years later
Violent crime is decreasing in America
And someone looks at a bunch of data
And maybe an apple falls on their head
And so we discover
That if you inhale a bunch of lead as a kid
You are more likely
To hurt someone when you grow up
And so it turns out
You can treat your kid well
You can apply new policing theories
You can work on the school system
You can vow never to harm others
And all the while have your efforts undermined your air
With each breath
It’s like challenging the Universe to chess.
L used to smile at the air as he breathed it into the world
In what ways does it matter
How we treat the air we breathe?
This summer I started having panic attacks
I would gasp for air
At first I thought it was an allergic reaction.
“I can’t breathe”
“You look fine”
“I’m not fine”
We go to emerg.
“I can’t breathe”
“You are still breathing”
“Are you sure?”
And for the next two hours
“Am I still breathing?”
“I’m sorry I keep asking but I’m still breathing right?”
“I know I’m being crazy but am I still breathing?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. You are still breathing. Can’t you tell?”
Just breathe in –
“Oh my god it’s not working!”
Good, and breathe out –
“My throat is closing and I’m going to die.”
That’s it, and breathe in -
“I can’t even tell if it’s working”
Ok now breathe out -
22 y.o. pleasant young lady known to me for years without any sig problems who developed an anxiety disorder in Sept 2014
“I can’t breathe”
If she hadn’t specifically noted I was pleasant
Maybe it would sound less like I broke
“I can’t breathe”
We injure each other building walls out of hard bricks and then we injure ourselves falling against them
“I can’t breathe”
Maybe when the wolf couldn’t huff down the brick house he stopped believing he was breathing, too
“I can’t breathe”
“Thousands of people poured into Boston Common the night of December 4 to demonstrate outrage over court decisions exonerating…”
“I can’t breathe”
Breathing is a palindrome if you could breathe backwards it would be the same.
In Out In Out In Out
Or maybe instead of filling our lungs and letting air go back into the world, the world would fill itself and let the air go back into our lungs.
Out In Out In Out In
We live in a system whose only tool to handle violence is to treat the perpetrator with violence
I inhale lead from the air
And then the world inhales lead from me
In In In In In In
Somebody needs to exhale.
David Foster Wallace gave us the parable of the swimming fish
“How’s the water?” asks one
“What the hell is water?” asks the other
Imagine we are fish in Lake Ontario for a day
And over 25 millimeters of rain
Pitter-patters gently in
Causing a routine overflow of the sewage system.
If we do not know we are in water
Do we notice that we are swimming in our own shit?
Or do we just have a harder time breathing
And get diagnosed with anxiety?
My Zio Vincenzo could not breathe either
He had an oxygen tank
He sat beside it in an armchair
He had to stop smoking
So the oxygen wouldn’t blow up his face
A chain breather
He finally cut that habit, too.
I got charged with reckless breathing
“You have to be careful with such a powerful thing,” the police officer warned me.
“We have a no toleration policy around here.”
“Sorry ,” I said, “Sometimes I don’t realize I’m doing it.”
She gave me a pamphlet titled, “Breathe easy: A citizen’s guide to responsible uses of breath”
Extinguish candles
Blow bubbles
Revive the coals of a campfire
Raise and lower your chest under a loved one’s head
But then a note at the bottom
Transgressors’ breath may be confiscated
I got off with a warning and a $50 fine.
Meanwhile I am going to see more and more qualified experts
Top Authorities on breath.
“Yes. You are breathing.” They confirm.
Last night I dreamed I was in the Afterlife
I met God at the entry
“God! You I can trust absolutely. Am I still breathing?”
“No. You are dead.”
I am relieved because while it’s not the answer I would have chosen
At least I finally know for sure.
Then I wake up
I get why Zio Vincenzo still tried to sneak cigarettes
Sometimes no matter how much we huff and puff
Nothing blows down
The window does not fog
The soup does not cool
Sometimes we have no one to lay their head on our chest
And tell us if it’s moving.
At work an expert consultant came in to do a seminar “Smart breathing in a modern economy”
He opened the floor for questions
Can I breathe out a promotion?
Can I use it to win at Mario Bros?
Can I breathe dinner on the table?
Can I get true love with it?
Can you give me ten simple steps to breathing my way to success?
It sounds increasingly like a waste of time
But I already got life
It was my first ever achievement
I really had it together back then.
Hasn’t anyone figured out how to hack this yet?
I don’t like this system.
Today I saw a picture of a young man on the news
Holding a sign that says “I can’t breathe”
I want to tell him,
Yes! Yes! You are still breathing. You are in fact a very impressive breather.
It turns out
This is what breathing feels like sometimes.
Listen for your heart beat
Slowly echoed by your breath beat
And tell yourself
Until you believe it
I breathe in
And I am breathing in
I breathe out
I can breathe
There is no skipping the hard part
I guess
There is no skipping the hard part.
Check out the archive here, and send any questions or comments to alex.sproule@gmail.com